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Articles On Natural Stress And
Blood Pressure Control

NEW: Is The "Cut Back On Salt" Routine For Lowering Blood Pressure Based On Sound Science?"

For decades, we've been advised to cut down on our salt intake for lower blood pressure. But how much is this advice is based on flimsy science and how much could it even be dangerous to our health?


Struggling To Lose Weight For Lower Blood Pressure? Don't Worry About It!

Obesity has been demonized by health risks ranging from high blood pressure to diabetes to cancer. But the shocking findings of a new study reveal that these risks are myths and that the stress they cause does more harm than excess weight!


Lower Blood Pressure With Chocolate?

Can the reports of lower blood pressure and risk of heart attack from eating chocolate be true? If so, what about the high fat, sugar and calories that come along with it? Get the facts and discover how you can enjoy the benefits of good chocolate (and maybe other indulgences too) without guilt!


The Placebo Effect On Your Blood Pressure... And How To Avoid Being Duped By It

"Mind over matter" in the form of the Placebo Effect is an ever-present factor in medicine. It can help you - and also mislead you - in your quest for lower blood pressure. The effect also poses financial risks as it can play into the hands of unscrupulous peddlers of blood pressure remedies who can use it to make their products look more effective than they really are...


Is Acid Undoing Your Efforts To Reduce Blood Pressure?

For decades we've been taught that cholesterol (especially "bad" LDL cholesterol) is responsible for high blood pressure and heart disease. But according to a compelling new theory, cholesterol is actually serving to protect our arteries from the ravages of high blood acidity, brought on by the modern diet. The fact is, we are never going to achieve our ambition to reduce blood pressure if we misunderstand the problem...


Must Read! What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Your Blood Pressure

Dr. John Lee, a noted family practitioner writing for the Virginia Hopkins Health Watch, exposes the myths about high blood pressure, its true risks and its treatment still prevalent among his colleagues in medicine. A real eye-opener!


Must Read! Are Your Blood Pressure Meds Killing You?

Another expose by a qualified medical expert, this time looking at the medications millions of us are prescribed with hardly so much as a second thought. Drugs are sometimes needed to lower blood pressure as a last resort but let's not fool ourselves about their safety and effectiveness...


Lower Blood Pressure: Is DASH Really The Ideal Diet?

If you research how to lower blood pressure naturally you will quickly discover the DASH diet. This diet is almost universally recommended by health care professionals as part of a healthy lifestyle to reduce blood pressure. While most of it is sound, there are several aspects of the DASH diet that are misleading and even counter-productive...


"Frankenstein Foods" To Avoid For Lower Blood Pressure

Are your determined effects to lower your blood pressure being sabotaged by the "healthy foods" recommended for fighting hypertension? It's ironic (and discouraging) to learn that many modern foods and dietary principles are actually far more dangerous than the so-called unhealthy foods they are designed to replace...


The Missing Link To Lower Blood Pressure - And How To Get It

There are many things you can use for lower blood pressure including a good diet, exercise, supplements and stress management. The reason all these things work is no longer a surprise; there seems to be one common element behind all these methods and it involves a powerful substance we create in our bodies...


Are You Looking Up A Blind Alley For Lower Blood Pressure?

In your battle for lower blood pressure you could be forgiven for getting fed up on diet...It seems to crop up as the number one cause and solution to every single health problem. But the obsession on diet is counter-productive. Human beings can thrive on a huge range of foods and micro-managing your diet will not normally make the slightest difference to your blood pressure...


Got A Big Heart? Lower Your Blood Pressure Now!

An enlarged heart is one of the most dangerous, but little understood, symptoms of high blood pressure. As the heart works harder it grows bigger and tougher, like any muscle. As a precursor to heart failure it's critical to lower your blood pressure without delay if you have an enlarged heart...


Lowering Blood Pressure With Magnesium

Lowering blood pressure with magnesium is a highly-recommended method of blood pressure control. Magnesium is one of the essential minerals that help to regulate blood pressure. However, the best way to get minerals is in a natural way and in balance through a healthy diet...


Lower Blood Pressure Through Buteyko

Buteyko, an alternative method of breathing developed for relieving asthma, may also prove useful as a natural way to lower blood pressure. It actually has much in common with a new method of lowering blood pressure called slow breathing...


Lower Blood Pressure: How Low Should You Go?

Lower blood pressure: how low is too low? The goalposts keep shifting with some doctors urging absurd figures like 115 over 60! Of course lower guidelines mean many more prescriptions and profits. Surely it's not all financially motivated but the fact is that modern American blood pressure guidelines do not reflect human reality...


This Is Your Blood Pressure On Drugs

While we are prescribed drugs to lower blood pressure other drugs are working to raise it... and some health professionals are not even aware of it! A number of common prescription and over the counter drugs can increase blood pressure and we need to be aware of these...


Lower Blood Pressure Without Drugs? 4 Common Myths

It's certainly possible, though not easy, to lower blood pressure naturally. But there are some commonly believed myths about things like diet, lifestyle and drugs themselves that stand in can stand in the way of your success...


Can't Get Lower Blood Pressure? Is It Your Own Fault?

Your lifestyle is the cause of your high blood pressure! If you're fed up with hearing that lifestyle is the cause behind hypertension and every other health problem you may welcome this news. New research proves that elevated blood pressure is often linked to specific genetic factors...


What Are You Holding Your Breath For? Let It Go For Lower Blood Pressure!

Slower breathing can lower blood pressure. That's because fast, erratic breathing, often due to stress, destabilizes blood chemistry and leads to high blood pressure and heart disease. The solution is a simple and relaxing breathing session of just 15 minutes a day...


"Magic Bullet" For Lower Blood Pressure & Cholesterol Is A Dud

A new "polypill" composed of statins, medications that lower blood pressure and aspirin has been hailed as a way to prevent heart disease. As usual, much of the research is misleading and we can get the same results more safely through natural methods...


Are You Prepared To Fight For Natural Lower Blood Pressure?

Lifestyle changes and other natural methods to lower blood pressure are being systematically discredited by drug company researchers in cahoots with the media. They're doing this by mis-representing certain low-level studies that appear to show blood pressure drugs more effective than natural methods than they really are...


Related article: Drug Companies Manipulating Trials

So You Think You Know Your Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is not static but goes up and down throughout the day. What's more, slight differences or errors in measuring methods can produce widely varying readings. Even health care professionals often use the wrong procedures when taking blood pressure. There's only one way of measuring blood pressure that is genuinely meaningful...


Think Potassium For Lower Blood Pressure - And Worry Less About Sodium

Everyone knows that salt or sodium raises blood pressure. But it doesn't work alone; a balance of minerals is crucial for lower blood pressure and one mineral - potassium - may be even more important than sodium...


Music For Lower Blood Pressure, Lower Cholesterol - And More

Lowering blood pressure through music is nothing new. But it was once thought that its powers were just to relax us but we now know that listening to music stimulates powerful physiological responses that not only reduce blood pressure but also drop cholesterol. It's amazing that listening to music can produce this incredible substance in the body...


Related article: Music Helps Lower Cholesterol

Avoid Alzheimer's Through Lower Blood Pressure

Lower blood pressure is an important defense against Alzheimers and other degenerative conditions. It's easy to visualize the problem. High blood pressure bursts tiny blood vessels in the brain. This leads to inflammation and oxygen deprivation that damages brain cells.
Luckily, this is completely avoidable...


How Breathing Helps To Requlate Blood Pressure - And How You Can Take Advantage Of It

Breathing can work in both a mechanical as well as chemical way to lower blood pressure. In a mechanical sense it relaxes muscles in the chest, allowing blood vessels to open and increase blood flow. Chemically, it balances our blood chemistry. There are simple ways that you can manipulate these processes to your advantage...


The Key To Lower Blood Pressure? How Your Breathing Affects Your Circulation

Ancient civilizations knew that breathing was the secret to a healthy heart and more. We were slow to catch up in the West but our scientific approach is finding new and better ways to harness this force for lower blood pressure and many other health benefits...


The Real Danger Of Lower Blood Pressure Medications

Most people get lower blood pressure the "easy" way: with medications. Side effects seem to be the most common problem with drugs but many people happily avoid all these risks... or do they? Side effects are only the most obvious problem with medications but the greatest danger is their unknown and unpredictable risks to your health...


Foods For Lower Blood Pressure

Foods that can lower blood pressure get a lot of attention. There's a long list of them with beetroot and chocolate just two of the most recent to hit the media. But when you read all the fine print you find out that these foods are nearly always useless as practical blood pressure remedies. For natural blood pressure control its' much more useful to think of diets instead of "foods"...


Breath of Long Life? How Breathing Exercise Contributes To Lower Blood Pressure & Longer Living

Breathing extends lives... (and not just that way, smart aleck!) Turns out the gurus were right about many claims of health benefits from better breathing. Some of its effects, including neutralizing harmful stress hormones, actually extend our lives by protecting and repairing genetic material in our cells...


Give Mozart A Break! How To Lower Blood Pressure With Music

Studies show that listening to slow, soothing music can lower blood pressure. The results are even more pronounced when combined with slow breathing. Despite the encouraging reports, once again the media has misrepresented important aspects of the research. Find out what's missing here...


Related article: Music Therapy Shows Promise In Treating High Blood Pressure

Related article: Listening To Music Found To Lower Blood Pressure

Let's Drink To Lower Blood Pressure! The Lowdown On Alcohol And High Blood Pressure

What do you do for lower blood pressure? Advice on alcohol and blood pressure is inconsistent and confusing. One report says moderate drinking is good for the heart, the next says any alcohol can raise blood pressure. The right approach is so often just common sense...


Why Lower Blood Pressure Is So Important

Why is it so important to reduce your blood pressure? To avoid stroke and heart attack? Most people rightly associate high blood pressure with heart failure. But the fact is that these severe consequences rarely happen to most people. They face the more common, long-term damage of hypertension such as...


Statins: Wonder Drugs For Lower Blood Pressure Or Another False Hope With Hidden Risks?

Statins, a group of drugs developed to reduce cholesterol, have been declared a "revolution" in health care. Like all drugs, they have their place in medicine but some zealots are promoting their near-universal use to "prevent" heart disease. Once again, the benefits are exaggerated while side effects and other risks of statins are under-reported...


Related article: Statins' Side Effects Under Fire

Breathe Slowly, Not Deeply, To Control Anxiety And Panic Attack

Breathing control is probably the most effective way to relieve anxiety and panic attacks. But the advice to "breathe deeply" so often given is counter-productive and likely to worsen the symptoms. Here's the correct and easier way to breathe to relieve anxiety, panic and severe stress...


Hallelujah! Lower Blood Pressure And Reduce Stress With Gregorian Chant

Gregorian Chant has enjoyed a surge in popularity. This can only be a good thing; we now know that the inner peace and calm it produces is actually reflected in lower blood pressure and stress levels. You can get the benefits by listening to it or,even better, by singing it. The slow, controlled breathing required to chant is a key factor in reducing blood pressure...


Related article: Gregorian Chanting 'Can Reduce Blood Pressure And Stress'

Lower Blood Pressure And Stress Relief In A Grandfather's Chant

Singing, especially in a slow, controlled style like Gregorian Chant, offers many health benefits like lower blood pressure and stress levels. It's all in the breathing, as they say...


You, Your Unborn Baby And Stress

For many women, being pregnant can be both wonderful and extremely stressful. Unfortunately, severe stress can produce harmful hormones that can penetrate the placenta and affect the unborn child. It can also lead to hypertension. A method of slow breathing combined with relaxing music may be just the answer. The unique aspect of this method is that it directly benefits the child a well...


Ponder This: Meditation Can Lower Blood Pressure

Lower blood pressure through relaxing the mind? Many people would once have scoffed at such claims but formal studies prove that practicing meditation can reduce blood pressure as well as stress levels. Results are even better when combined with a certain type of slow breathing...


The Problem With "Remedies" To Lower Blood Pressure

"Breakthroughs" for lower blood pressure seem to appear in the media nearly every day. Just recently there has been beetroot juice, dark chocolate and even chiropractic treatment. But why is it always "here today, gone tomorrow"? Here's what you discover when you read the fine print in these studies...


Beetroot Juice: Natural Wonder To Fight High Blood Pressure?

Beetroot juice made a big splash in the media with its surprising ability to lower blood pressure. So is this finally a safe and viable natural remedy that everyone can use? Read the full story, warts and all, and not just snippets in the media...


Can You Really Lower High Blood Pressure Without Drugs?

Some medical experts claim that up to 95% of people with hypertension could achieve lower blood pressure without drugs. So why is the number who succeed so much fewer? What, exactly, are some of the natural methods with a proven record of success at reducing blood pressure?


The Hijacking Of High Blood Pressure

The medical establishment has, in a sense, hijacked high blood pressure. It is over-diagnosed and over-medicated with no change in sight. Agressive medical treatment - and that includes drugs - should always be a last resort, not routine or even pre-emptive treatment...


5 Easy & Enjoyable Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure

It's easy to think of lifestyle changes as a bit of a drudge... self-discipline isn't much fun, is it? But here are several easy, natural ways proven to lower blood pressure that don't mean deprivation and denial...


Lower Blood Pressure: A Breath Of Fresh Air

Lowering blood pressure with slow breathing: explaining the basics of how this simple lifestyle technique is making big progress in reversing hypertension, often when powerful drugs have failed...


Lower Stress, Lower Blood Pressure

Can you directly connect lower blood pressure with lower stress? Doctors used to insist that the effects of stress were only temporary and without lasting effects on your health. But now research reveals that the physical damages of stress go beyond what anyone could have expected. Stress management has to be a foundation of any strategy to reduce blood pressure...


Lower Blood Pressure At Any Cost? 5 Hypertension Myths

Much of what we "know" about hypertension is either false, misunderstood or conditional. Knowing about these myths can help you avoid wasting time and effort in a futile quest for lower blood pressure...


Stress Management For Active People: Passive Relaxation Is For Wimps!

Don't worry if "relaxation CDs" with babbling brooks and birdsong are not your cup of tea because they are mostly ineffective anyway. The effects of this type of passive relaxation are temporary at best. But add slow breathing exercises to the mix and you have something very different...


5 Lifestyle Factors That Really Affect Your Blood Pressure

A healthy lifestyle can lower your blood pressure... don't you get tired of hearing it sometimes? But while it may be true that lifestyle is often talked to death, here are 5 aspects of lifestyle that really do affect your blood pressure...


Can Relaxation Lower Blood Pressure?

Can something as simple as relaxation lower blood pressure? Doesn't everything worthwhile take "work"? The answer is yes, relaxation can drop your blood pressure at certain times, often by huge amounts. The problem is that the effects are only temporary. But there are things you can do to increase the effects of relaxation on your blood pressure...


Babies Love Slow Breathing With Music!

Pregnancy-induced hypertension can be extremely dangerous. But a new method called slow breathing with music is the ideal thing to lower blood pressure during pregnancy. The unique thing about it is that it affects both the mother and her child, maybe even for life...


The Gurus Have Got It Wrong! 4 Common Myths About Breathing

Gurus and alternative health promoters were right about the health benefits of better breathing. But the devil is in the detail and scientific study reveals frequently-advised breathing practices that are misguided or even harmful...


Breathing For Health: Easy Does It!

It's true that certain ways of breathing can lower your blood pressure and offer many other health benefits. But there's no need to over-complicate it with pseudo-scientific theories or mysterious Eastern rituals. Healthy breathing is easy. Just follow these simple instructions...


Real Music Puts Pizzazz In Blood Pressure Breathing Method

Slow breathing for lower blood pressure was popularized with a computerized device. The gadget generates "musical" tones to help guide the user's breathing. Now a new take on the method uses real music along with breathing prompts. Listening to real music is relaxing and boosts the method's effectiveness...


Control Your Breathing - Control Your Panic Attack

Breathing is the key to conrolling anxiety, panic and other strong emotional responses. But much common advice about breathing is misguided and maybe even harmful. Here's the correct way to effectively relieve stress and anxiety with breathing...


Breathe Easy: How Breathing Therapy Lowers Blood Pressure And Relieves Stress, Anxiety And Panic Disorders

Understanding the physical chain reactions that connect emotional states like stress and anxiety with blood pressure, breathing and other physiological processes...


Breathe Easy: How To Use Slow Breathing To Lower Your Blood Pressure From The Comfort Of Your Armchair

Lower blood pressure naturally in 15 minutes a day from the barcolounger! Yes, it's true and here are the step-by-step instructions...


Lower Blood Pressure For The Lifestyle-Challenged

Lower blood pressure through a healthy lifestyle is a big challenge for some. Let's face it, modern living doesn't make it easy. Some health gurus don't have a clue what it's like for someone driving a truck (one of the unhealthiest occupations) for hours on end, six days a week, with a family to support. Still, everyone can do something and here's an effective method ideal for the lifestyle-challenged that takes just 15 minutes a day...


Lower Blood Pressure: Natural Breakthrough Could Help Millions But Still Largely Unknown

Slow breathing for lower blood pressure has been racking up impressive success stories for nearly 10 years and yet the majority of high blood pressure sufferers still aren't aware of it...


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