Be sure to read the tips
below. When
ready, grab your
headphones and
start the demo by
clicking on
"Introduction" in the music player below. Dragging the slider bar
on the right side of the player will display more tracks.
When finished, close the window with the "Close Window" button below
the music player or in the upper right corner of this window and you will return automatically to
the place you left.
This text will be
replaced by the
flash music player.
(*bpm = breaths
are recommended for best results.
Listen to
the Introduction first. Then try a few samples and try to find the rate
most comfortable for you. This is where you would start in the program.
The rates you see posted (12 to 10.8 bpm, for
example) apply to the full 15 minute track. The
reduction achieved in this set of samples is very slight as they
average only 2 minutes each.
The final pair of samples are from CD2. All
the tracks on CDs 2 & 3 run steadily at the target rate of 6
bpm which produces maximum benefits. These samples run a little longer
to give you an idea of the effect.
Think of
the breathing prompts as
for when to START inhaling and exhaling. You'll notice
that the sounds fade out quickly but you can continue inhaling or
exhaling as long as you wish until the next cue.
This is to allow for
personal variations in breathing and to keep the sounds from intruding
on the music as much as possible.
Those with slower dial-up connections can
still use the demo. Simply wait
until you see that the sample is completely downloaded (indicated when
the blue status bar in the player stops). This may take several
minutes. Now the sample will play without interruptions.
Audio is compressed for online
and loses some of its quality. Breatheasy CDs and
downloadable mp3 tracks are
high-quality, hi-fi stereo.
The demo is not designed or
expected to produce noticeable effects on your blood pressure. It
offers short samples of the Breatheasy music tracks as an
introduction to the method. However, we have been pleasantly surprised
by the number of people reporting actual drops in blood pressure just
from a few minutes with the demo.