* As published in the American Journal of Hypertension, June 2003
Like most people I talk to, the biggest concern on your mind may be how to deal with high or rising blood pressure and stress levels without drugs.
In his excellent article "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Blood Pressure" Dr. John Lee, a nationally recognized family practitioner writes:
The most important thing I want to tell you about high blood pressure is that it can almost always be lowered with lifestyle changes.
But the conventional medical wisdom is that patients won’t make lifestyle changes and so the automatic response to high blood pressure is to prescribe a drug…
I believe – and there is plenty of research to support me – that these drugs have just as good a chance of killing you as the high blood pressure does, especially if you don’t really need them.
- John R. Lee,
Virginia Hopkins Health Watch
Of course, nobody wants to take medications... but when the going gets tough, effective natural alternatives can start to look more and more unlikely. And the "other" alternatives are unthinkable...
We all know the risks: high blood pressure and chronic stress are major contributors to heart disease and stroke, our Number One killers. But you don't even have to suffer the extremes for these conditions to affect you every day of your life.
High blood pressure, stress and anxiety, and bad sleeping patterns and irritable moods feed off each other and affect every aspect of your health and well-being. If you can get a grip on these it can change your life!
Imagine a simple, safe and clinically proven way to:
Lower blood pressure quickly, safely and easily...
Experience deep relaxation as you haven't felt in ages...
Reduce LDL, the "bad" cholesterol (recent finding)...
Get lasting relief of stress and anxiety...
Sleep better and wake refreshed...
Enhance your moods and increase your energy...
Prevent, reduce or even eliminate the need for prescription drugs and their side effects
But now for the first time there's an easy and practical way to tap into a genuine force of nature. You can beat high blood pressure and reclaim your life with a totally relaxing and enjoyable process that takes just 15 minutes a day.
Let's return briefly to the figure in my headline. An 82% response rate is simply incredible - better than any single blood pressure medication... off the chart for a natural method!
And we're not talking about anecdotal evidence here; these are the results of a major clinical trial, one of many, published in the American Journal of Hypertension and other respected medical journals.
Even more remarkable than the number itself is the fact that this was achieved with "resistant" hypertensives: that is, people who were previously resistant to other forms of treatment. People like me, for instance!
My name is David O'Hara. I battled high blood pressure for years and I can confirm that it's one of the most frustrating problems you'll ever have to face.
Even though I'd always been fit and active with a healthy lifestyle, I suddenly developed high blood pressure out of the blue in my mid-40's. Of course, my doctor wanted to put me on medications immediately but...
I've seen up close what blood pressure drugs can do to people. My wife was stuck for years on beta-blockers (now thankfully withdrawn for hypertension treatment in many countries). They changed her life but not for the better. Previously a devoted runner, she became easily fatigued and short-winded, put on weight, and finally became depressed taking beta-blockers.
I was determined to find a better way – a way without pharmaceuticals or side effects. A natural way.
Boy, did I have a lot to learn! I tried absolutely everything under the sun and then some, but nothing ever worked. I went through every herb, supplement, diet plan and natural remedy you can imagine and came to the conclusion that treating hypertension with "remedies" like this is about as effective as taking shots in the dark!
Some of these remedies do work for some people (but if you talk to them months later after the placebo effect has worn off you'll often get a different story!). The fact is that most remedies don't work for most people and so your health gets left to little more than a frustrating and potentially dangerous game of chance.
And if you don't get your blood pressure under control you will have to resort to medicine sooner or later.
As for myself, I finally reached a point of desperation when I would wake up at night so stressed out that I had pains in my chest and couldn't sleep again for hours.
I was ready to go back to my doctor for the prescriptions when I finally stumbled onto a last-ditch chance on a morning TV talk show. It was a demonstration of a new, natural method called slow breathing.
Now if you're thinking of the high-tech, computerized devices that have been heavily advertised I don't blame you. But I'm going to introduce you to something totally new and unique.
Or you may be a die-hard skeptic like me. I have to admit that
my first thoughts on hearing "slow breathing" were of gurus or maybe
even hucksters. But I couldn't have been more off the mark; this
particular method was developed by medical doctors and has even won FDA approval.
Solid scientific credentials are what makes slow breathing different from countless other natural remedies we hear about, even those supported by a small study or two. For FDA approval and medical acceptance slow breathing had to fulfill three major requirements:
Clinical proof using the same rigorous testing methods as used for drugs: randomized, double-blind trials.
Repetition is a second essential requirement. Slow breathing has proved itself in at least 10 formal clinical trials and numerous other studies.
Finally, testing methods and results must be published in peer-reviewed medical journals. Slow breathing trials have been published in respected journals around the world including the Journal of Human Hypertension, the American Journal of Hypertension, Harefuah (Israel), Hypertension (Italy), The Lancet and the Journal of Clinical Hypertension.
The evidence is good enough for slow breathing to be endorsed by leading medical institutions including Harvard Medical School, The Mayo Clinic, Rush-Presbyterian Hospital and the American Heart Association.
It was slow breathing's indisputable medical credentials and verified results that really impressed me: not only its incredible success rate but top results averaging 36 points systolic and 20 points diastolic!*.
* Average of top 10% of blood pressure reductions compiled from nine separate clinical trials published in medical journals. You can see the reports for yourself further below and on our Clinical Results page.
That last figure clinched it for me because piddly drops of a few points like you get with most natural methods (if anything) weren't going to do it for me.
The rest is history. Slow breathing came to the rescue and solved my blood pressure problem - quickly and easily, once and for all - when everything else had failed.
I felt like I had gotten my life back! And I soon learned that I wasn't just a lucky case and this wasn't just another fad remedy.
Studies published in the Journal of Human Hypertension and numerous other respected medical journals reveal that:
Breathing slowly and deeply (less than 10 breaths per minute) for 10 to 15 minutes a day while extending exhalation results in significant reductions in blood pressure
Documented reductions of up to 36 points systolic and 20 points diastolic have been achieved
High response rate: 82% of even resistant hypertensives responded to slow breathing in a formal clinical trial
Using music with slow breathing is the best way to create the relaxation needed for the method to be effective
The effects of slow breathing are cumulative and begin to last throughout the day within 4 to 6 weeks
The result is a significant and lasting drop in your blood pressure!
See More Proof For Yourself On Our "Clinical Results" Page!
The link between our respiratory and circulatory systems has been known as long as human beings have walked the earth. "Take a deep breath" they always tell you at moments of great stress, panic or anger. Breathing slowly and deeply calms the heart and nerves as surely as eating quiets a growling stomach.
The only thing new is that research has finally proved the connection and discovered how it works. What's more, it has identified the precise patterns of breathing and other conditions that produce maximum benefits for blood pressure and other important aspects of our health.
The exact mechanisms that cause slow breathing to lower blood pressure, especially its cumulative and long-lasting effects, are not yet completely understood. But there are a number of verifiable things going on when we breathe slowly and deeply... all of them good!
Relaxation/dilation of blood vessels
Gentle, slow breathing acts like a natural safety valve to relax muscle tension, especially in the chest area, allowing constricted blood vessels to open and relieve pressure on the heart.
"Slow breathing signals the brain," says Joseph Marek, M.D., a cardiologist and hypertension specialist. "Muscles around blood vessels relax and blood flows more easily."
February 2005
It literally takes a load off your chest!
The effects of relaxation alone are usually only temporary. Otherwise we could get the same effects listening to conventional relaxation tapes or even watching TV. But rhythmic slow breathing, especially to the right music, relaxes muscles and connective tissues deep into the diaphragm in a way that no passive relaxation can do.
Still, there is more to slow breathing than just relaxation...
Slow breathing changes our blood chemistry
Dr. David Anderson, a researcher with the National Institutes of Health and a proponent of slow breathing, states:
"Slow, deep breathing does relax and dilate blood vessels temporarily, but that's not enough to explain a lasting drop in blood pressure..."
Dr. Anderson explains that we tend to breathe quickly and shallowly when under stress, a chronic condition for many. We even hold our breath without being aware of it. This "inhibitory breathing", as he calls it, contributes significantly to hypertension and other stress-related diseases.
It does this by unbalancing the levels of gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitric oxide, making our blood more acidic. This makes the kidneys less efficient at pumping out sodium, which in turn raises blood pressure. According to Dr. Anderson, slow breathing has the effect of rebalancing our blood chemistry to relieve hypertension.
Dr. Anderson is currently conducting the largest ever study on slow breathing, sponsored by the National Institute on Aging. The results will be published on this website as soon as they are available.
Yet another intriguing explanation for the effects of slow breathing is emerging. This one may be the most powerful of all.
New research shows that both slow breathing and music, together and separately, stimulate the release of nitric oxide into the bloodstream. Nitric oxide is an invisible gas produced by our cells that plays a crucial role in regulating blood flow by constricting or dilating blood vessels. It also helps the immune system to fight infections and tumors and is a neurotransmitter in the brain, among many other things.
Nitric oxide is abundant in the nasal airways, which is an important reason for inhaling through the nose (except when under high exertion).
Dr. Oz, Oprah's celebrity doctor, writes: "Inhaling deeply brings a chemical called nitric oxide from the back of your nose and your sinuses into your lungs. This short-lived gas dilates the air passages in your lungs and does the same to the blood vessels."
In a study published in December 2008 by the Center for Preventive Cardiology at Maryland University, listening to relaxing music expanded blood vessels by an average 26%.
Expanding blood vessels obviously reduces blood pressure but it also prevents the build up of blood clots and the dangerous cholesterol, LDL. Study participants showed significant reductions in both blood pressure and LDL levels.
Micheal Miller, the leader of the Maryland study said, "We were looking for cheaper, non-pharmacological aids to help us improve our patients’ heart health, and we think this is the prescription.” The report is available to read in our Clinical Results and Articles pages.
Pharmaceutical companies are working furiously on new drugs to stimulate the nitric oxide production that occurs safely and naturally through simple activities such as relaxing to music and breathing slowly.
The "Second Heart" Phenomenon
The diaphragm plays an obvious role in respiration but it also has an important function in circulation. When doing abdominal breathing - more correctly called "diaphragmatic breathing" - the breath is drawn deeply down toward the abdomen by expanding and contracting the diaphragm.
This expansion and contraction acts as a membrane pump, helping to circulate a surprising amount of blood, expecially venous blood through abdominal organs and up to the thorax. In this way the diaphragm relieves some of the load on the heart, an action that has led to it being called the "second heart".
Pharmaceutical companies are constantly looking for new ways to mimic these same processes that occur safely and naturally through slow breathing and listening to music!
The developers of modern biofeedback devices for slow breathing have brought breathing into its rightful place in the medical world. They have also made the benefits of slow breathing accessible to many more people.
But that way is not for everyone! The devices are expensive, they can be awkward to use and have met with mixed results in real-life conditions. Some people just don't take to the way this particular method operates. So it's easy to imagine that you may have thought slow breathing wasn't for you.
But now there's a very good reason to think again!
That's because you don't need expensive and complicated technology to enjoy all the benefits that slow breathing has to offer! In fact, it can even be counter-productive!
I've been able to combine the same clinically proven breathing methods with familiar, user-friendly audio technology to create the Breatheasy System (pronounced "breathe easy"). Breatheasy is a totally new way of using slow breathing that's Simple, Easy to Use, and extremely Affordable.
"I use it regularly, am impressed with the results and I recommend it to others. At a fraction of what other programs charge and with an unconditional 6-month, money-back guarantee... what's not to like?"
George Szczerbaniuk, M.D.
Tomah, WI
Best of all, Breatheasy is so enjoyable that you'll really want to use it! Often overlooked, this a vital aspect of anything that needs to be used regularly... because even a method with impressive clinical credentials is not going to work from the back of a drawer!
In fact, BreathEasy is the answer to 5 common problems standing in the way of your success with natural methods or lifestyle modifications:
Unknown risks/side effects: Obviously applies to drugs but not all herbs and supplements are harmless either. Breatheasy is 100% safe & natural.
Complexity/difficulty: Using it is nearly effortless.
Lack of time: get maximum results in 15 minutes a day.
Boredom/lack of discipline: Breatheasy is relaxing and enjoyable. You'll want to use it.
No proof/bogus claims: Breatheasy's slow breathing method is clinically proven in the same way as used for drugs.
Slow breathing must be done in a state of relaxation in order to be effective. Only genuine music can be truly relaxing and the Breatheasy system uses some of the most beautiful and relaxing music ever created.
"The Breatheasy System is a scientifically designed method of coordinating your breathing with music... Breatheasy relies on the fact that slow breathing has the ability to relax blood vessels and thus reduce blood pressure. I check my own blood pressure regularly and the system certainly helped me."
- Gordon
Cameron, M.D.
The heart of the system is my soundtrack called Slow Breathing with MusicTM, a unique audio program that combines two powerful therapeutic tools:
Slow breathing: clinically proven to produce significant and lasting reductions in high blood pressure using just 15 minutes a day
Music: therapeutic in its own right, the relaxation produced by listening to the right music is the extra vital ingredient slow breathing needs to be effective
the more relaxed you are,
the greater the benefits!
Fully portable: use with any CD player or mp3 player (mp3 version now available with every purchase) - start today!
User-friendly: no straps, sensors or other awkward paraphernalia
Simple: no complicated routines. No tedious counting. No mysterious rituals or mumbo-jumbo. Just relax to beautiful music and breathe.
Enjoyable: uses real music (highest quality commercial recordings in various music styles - no muzak here!)
Versatile: Master the method and apply independently to a huge range of circumstances... effortlessly acquire a method with a lifetime payoff!
Kind to your heart... and your pocketbook: a mere fraction of the price of complicated biofeedback devices and other methods you may have seen advertised... and no recurring costs!
Unconditionally guaranteed with a full 6-month, zero-risk trial!
"I checked the Resperate on the web and I was not impressed. I did some more research and found Breatheasy... sure glad I did! What a fantastic idea... love the music!"
(3 weeks later...)
"I love the Breatheasy System. My blood pressure is down to 145/87 and I'm still on the first CD!"
That's how Breatheasy user Dr. George Szczerbaniuk puts it. The Breatheasy soundtrack contains a pleasant and natural-sounding breathing track (actually created from an ocean wave) integrated with music.
The breathing track gently and gradually slows your breathing from the overly tense and fast way we tend to breathe down to the slow and precise pattern proven to lower high blood pressure.
Additional CDs in the set offer a large selection of music at the ideal slow breathing rate to maintain and accumulate your benefits well into the future without boredom.
You simply relax to the music and breathe in sync with the soundtrack. The method quickly becomes almost effortless, allowing you to relax fully with the music... and all it takes is 15 minutes a day!
Slow breathing with music - Breatheasy style - may just be the "next big thing" in treating high blood pressure and stress-related conditions. Consider these two reports:
Listening To Music Found To Lower Blood Pressure - reported by Reuters May 16, 2008
Music Therapy Shows Promise In Treating High Blood Pressure - reported by Naturalnews.com, among others, June 21, 2008
These articlesare the result of recent research including an important study released at the 2008 convention of the American Society of Hypertension, a professional group of scientific investigators and health care professionals.
In the study, participants between the ages of 45 and 70 with mild hypertension listened to 30 minutes of relaxing music daily "while practicing slow, controlled breathing exercises".
The head of the investigation, Pietro A. Modesti, M.D., PhD, explained:
"Listening to music is soothing and has often been associated with controlling patient-reported pain or anxiety and acutely reducing blood pressure. We are excited about the positive implications for both patients and physicians, who can now confidently explore music listening as a safe, effective, non-pharmacological treatment option..."
I'm proud to say that I discovered and started developing this method nearly four years ago.
You may think that music alone could lower your blood pressure, and you'd be right. But the results are only temporary. You need to add slow breathing techniques following the step-by-step instructions found in Breatheasy to see real and lasting results.
The cumulative blood pressure reductions of slow breathing combined with the therapeutic power and relaxing effect of music is the ideal solution.
The deep relaxation and enjoyment experienced with the Breatheasy System not only boost the effectiveness of slow breathing to lower high blood pressure, but they can also bring about numerous other life-enhancing benefits.
A more complete list of the things Breatheasy slow breathing with music can do include:
Lower LDL cholesterol levels and improved cardiac health
Intensive relaxation
Relief of chronic stress and anxiety
Improved sleep and moods
On-the-spot relief of anxiety/panic attacks
Increased energy (due to increased oxygen levels in the blood, among other things)
Way to cope with pregnancy-induced hypertension (babies love it too!)
Greater respiratory fitness
Higher rate of detoxification (did you know that the respiratory system accounts for up to 70% of the body’s removal of toxins?)
People often see important and lasting reductions in their blood pressure along with other benefits within two to six weeks of starting Breatheasy. Some, like William Reid, report dramatic results exceeding the best achieved in clinical trials:
Gave up 20 years of blood pressure medications...
Despite 20 years of treatment with powerful drugs, William Reid lived with the constant threat of hypertension. When the diuretic he was taking brought on the painful condition of gout and his blood pressure reached crisis levels of 200 over 100, Willam started looking seriously for natural alternatives.
Within two months of discovering Breatheasy on the Internet William was enjoying the blood pressure of a much younger man. If fact, he was so encouraged with his results that he started his own blog to record his experiences and to keep a journal of his readings... readings that document a sustained average of 129 over 83. William wrote in his blog:
After the adverse effects of pharmaceutical drugs... I HAVE NOT used any pharmaceutical preparations at all. I now rely solely on Breatheasy.
The ONLY problem with Breatheasy is that you find it difficult to believe that something so simple and easy to use actually works. My advice is have faith... and believe in Breatheasy because IT WORKS!
Stirling, Scotland
"Breatheasy is a lifesaver!"
for Katherine Hornton of Santa Cruz, California.
My doctor put me on Atenolol and at first I thought it was the answer. My heart rate and blood pressure did go down but then my energy and mood also took a nosedive. And my weight went up. I couldn't stand it!
I'm so happy I discovered Breatheasy. My blood pressure and pulse are normal now even though I quit the beta-blockers weeks ago. It also helps keep me level-headed but without taking the edge off like the drugs did.
Santa Cruz, CA
"I was amazed at how quickly I
"I started with the downloads and within just a couple of days my blood pressure was down lower than I've seen it in years..." reported Linda Schmid of Brainerd, MN.
My average was around 155/85 but it often went up to 190/90. Now it's in the 120s or low 130s over 72 most all of the time. It's very hard to believe that something that is so enjoyable can lower your blood pressure so much, but it does!
Brainerd, MA
"I was a little skeptical at first... "
Sonia Sharifi admits:
I was a little skeptical at first about trying the Breatheasy System. I have always known that slowing down your breathing will relax you but I did have doubts about how it can lower your blood pressure. Well, I decided to give it a try and I absolutely love it!
It is SO relaxing. It only takes 15 minutes a day and I can easily lower my BP about 20-30 points after one session.
San Jose, CA
And my wife?... She was stubborn about using my method but I finally got her going with it. I'm happy to say she took her last beta-blocker nearly a year ago and is now fighting-fit again!
Read these reports in full detail along with case studies and many more user testimonials on our Real People, Real Results page.
NOTE: Not everyone can expect the same results. These examples are published to show what is possible with Breatheasy and what real people do achieve. Breatheasy carries the most comprehensive guarantee offering you a full six months to evaluate your results with zero risk.
Dr. Gordon Cameron is a prominent British joint and hypertension specialist. He is afflicted with high blood pressure himself and publishes the authoritative website www.bloodpressurehigh.com. Here's what he had to say about Breatheasy:
"The magic of Interactive Breathing with Music... I was lucky enough to receive a copy of the Breatheasy System recently, a scientifically designed method of coordinating music with your breathing.
You only need to spend 15 minutes a day with the system to obtain benefits in your blood pressure. I found that it also improved my sleep patterns and helped me to relax. It's easy to learn and inexpensive compared to some other methods of blood pressure control without medication.
Breatheasy relies on the fact that slow breathing has the ability to relax blood vessels and thus reduce blood pressure. I check my own blood pressure regularly and the system certainly helped me."
M. D.
Dr. George Szczerbaniuk is a repeat customer and recommends Breatheasy. He sent these comments:
"I checked out various stress reduction breathing programs including "Resperate" ($299), Heartmath's "emwave"($199), and "Breatheasy" ($47). I subsequently bought "Breatheasy" because of its ease of use and varied music -- very simple, very functional, very relaxing. Just listen, breath along, and enjoy.
I use it regularly, am impressed with the results, and recommend it to others. Moreover, at a fraction of what other programs charge and with an unconditional 6 month money-back guarantee, what's not to like?"
Szczerbaniuk, M. D.
Tomah, WI
Kellie Helen is a developer of the popular "My Blood Pressure" monitoring and tracking software. She operates the Australian website www.My-Blood-Pressure.com.
Kellie has reviewed literally dozens of blood pressure remedies and relaxation programs. Here's what she said about Breatheasy:
"My doctor told me I should find time each day to relax, perhaps meditation or yoga. He then suggested I buy a CD of relaxing sounds and listen to it each night. The CDs (which were quite expensive) ended up being mostly rain sounds. It's nice to listen to rain but they quickly became very boring. I probably listened to them 5 times before they went in the bottom drawer.
I assumed that the Breatheasy CDs would be something similar. But Breatheasy was not what I expected! ... it works quicker. I can listen to it for 5 minutes and feel relaxed at the end of it. Also, knowing there is sound research behind it makes me feel like it's time well spent."
And remember,
Breatheasy is
the first and still
ONLY program
combining two natural methods that are only now being discovered and
promoted by medical experts. With recent developments others are sure
to follow but Breatheasy will always be the original... tried, tested
and proven! Breatheasy is the 100% safe and natural
Triple CD set (three extra length CDs equivalent to approx. 5 typical music CDs) delivered to your door
Instant MP3 downloads with every purchase so you can start today!
15 tracks of 15 minutes each
225 minutes/a total of nearly 4 hours of soundtrack
Classical masterpieces from the masters including Bach, Beethoven, Mozart and many many more
First-class performances under license from Naxos, a leading classical music label
20 page step-by-step instruction booklet
Exceptional customer support
mp3 only option: download the entire program in high-quality (160kbps) mp3 (no CDs delivered). Play on your PC or transfer to any mp3 player.
Breatheasy Ambient features Silencio Music, one of the top names in relaxation and meditation music. "Ambient" is another way of describing "mood music". The mood is dreamy relaxation.
Silencio produces probably the best ambient music available anywhere. Much of this genre today is computer-generated - and sounds like it - but Silencio is composed by real people with real melody and emotion. You'll appreciate the difference.
It is designed to allow the user's heartbeat to actually slow and synchronize with the music to produce the ultimate in relaxation. For this reason it is ideal for use with slow breathing.
Breatheasy Ambient contains 3 extra-length CDs of the special Breatheasy soundtrack combined with ambient music, exactly as described above in Breatheasy Classical.
A very successful trial has confirmed that offering both sets together provides worthwhile benefits for both of us:
Benefits for you because variety improves your results.
A greater choice of music increases your enjoyment and frequency of use, which means you get better and faster results!
Besides, people are often surprised at their reactions. Sometimes they're sure they won't like classical, or vice versa, and it turns out to be their favorite.
Benefits for us because by packing two sets together in a special 6-CD box we call the "Six-Pack Special" saves us material and shipping costs, which we can pass on to you in one very low price.
It's a win-win situation! So what is the total price of the "Six-Pack Special" containg both Classical and Ambient sets?
Only $55 during the Spring Special (normally $77) plus $9.95 shipping worldwide. Stock is available in both the U.S. and Europe.
Or just $39 total for the entire package in digital form only (no CDs delivered).
That's the equivalent of 10 typical music CDs with a total of nearly 8 hours of soundtrack. So take advantage of the variety on offer...
(February 1, 2009) We've just put the finishing touches to a set of two brand new CDs to add to the Breatheasy collection for 2009. This will be an optional extra priced separately!
But act now and receive both new CDs as a free bonus during the evaluation period. All I ask in return is your feedback on the new music and other features of these new CDs... any comment is welcome.
Breatheasy "Nature" features natural soundscapes of ocean waves, wind, rain, birds and other wildlife along with meditative ambient sounds. As relaxing as a day walking in the woods or lounging by the seaside.
"Otherworldly Music" features Gregorian Chant and some suprising varieties of music from different parts of the world... all relaxing and meditative.
Like all our CDs, each of these is an extra-length CD with 5 tracks of 15 minutes each. And of course they include our unique slow breathing track proven to lower blood pressure and relieve stress.
This brings the total Breatheasy package to 8 extra-length CDs (equivalent to 12 - 14 conventional CDs).
Order today and get immediate download access to natural health expert Kevin Riley's book: Get Natural. This is not an inflated report calling itself an "ebook". Get Natural is a comprehensive, 253-page guidebook covering every aspect of herbs, supplements and lifestyle and how they affect your blood pressure and overall cardiac health.
As I mentioned above, lifestyle is the single most important factor determining your blood pressure in the long run (and that includes breathing!). But natural remedies can easily become a revolving door for many. Get Natural will guide you through the maze of natural health so that you won't just be taking shots in the dark like I was!
Together with the Breatheasy System this package forms the most complete natural blood pressure solution available anywhere.
Get Natural is sold elsewhere for $37. It is available on this special free basis for the exclusive use of Breatheasy customers.
But hurry! I do not own Get Natural. Kevin has temporarily leant his work for promotional reasons but can withdraw it at any time. By ordering now you will be assured that the guidebook will be available for downloading immediately after purchase.
It will be yours to keep as my gift for trying Breatheasy, even in the unlikely event that you ever return the product!
PLEASE NOTE: "Get Natural" is a digital product available by download only. You will not receive a physical copy in the mail. You can read it on any computer and it comes pre-formatted for easy printing if you wish.
I will give you the opportunity to start using Breatheasy today (within minutes by download) totally risk-free. If you are not satisfied - for any reason whatsoever - simply return the product within 6 months of delivery for a full refund, including shipping! No questions asked!
Breatheasy offers the longest and most complete guarantee of any product of its type.
Most health products carry a standard 30 day guarantee but that's often not enough time to be sure about the results! With Breatheasy you get a full six months to use it as long as you need to get the results you want and expect without pressure.
And most guarantees don't cover shipping fees. In fact, I've never seen another genuine 100% guarantee like ours!
You won't find this level of guarantee anywhere else but that's how confident I am that Breatheasy will improve your quality of life!
I can't count the number of times customers have written back saying "I was skeptical..." or "I had my doubts..." only to be followed by "but the results are amazing!".
It's natural - and wise - to be skeptical. I recommend it myself. That's why I have the most complete guarantee possible: to allow you to try Breatheasy with no risk, even if you're skeptical!
So don't let natural skepticism keep you from becoming one of the many who end up saying "but the results are amazing!". You too can be among the growing thousands of people enjoying the benefits of slow breathing while avoiding, reducing or even quitting potentially harmful prescription drugs.
Linda Schmid, who was introduced briefly above, wrote me recently:
"It is such a shame that so many people can't believe that listening to music and breathing to it can lower your blood pressure. I tell my friends about it but they just don't want to try it. I'd like to hit them over the head to wake them up but to them only meds can do it. What a waste."
Lower your blood pressure in 15 minutes a day!
Avoid, reduce or even eliminate medications!
Acquire life-changing related benefits!
Complete, clinically proven solution!
Totally risk-free 6 month trial!
OPTION 1 | OPTION 2 | |||
CDs plus Instant Download | Instant mp3 Download Only | |||
Triple CD Classical Set | YES | Digital MP3 Version | ||
Triple CD Ambient Set | YES | Digital MP3 Version | ||
Instruction Booklet | YES | Digital PDF Version | ||
Instant Download Access | YES | YES | ||
Double CD Bonus Set (Nature & Otherworldly Music) | YES | Digital MP3 Version | ||
"Get Natural" Guidebook | Digital PDF Version | Digital PDF Version | ||
Full Customer Support | YES | YES | ||
Unconditional 6-Month Guarantee Including Shipping | YES | YES | ||
$55 plus $9.95 Shipping |
$39 total |
1 |
2 |
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*After completing payment with PayPal wait for the automated download page to appear. Do not click away or close the page. But don't worry if you lose the page because I will personally send you a followup email with the link. This usually happens within minutes but on rare occasions can take up to several hours.
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P.S. Don't delay! The free bonus CD offer will expire upon official release of the new CDs.
P.P.S. You won't get a better value at any later time and you get 6 months to evaluate your results at my risk. I personally guarantee your satisfaction!